
ASF:Attribute Sensitive Text Retrieving Tool

I have been making several text retrieving tools, i.e. KKC, Corpus Wizard. There was a preposition that there are no attributes in text files, no italics, no bold, no underlines. Now there are many, many, many files which contains attributes, HTML, RTF, TeX, etc.

This is the utility which uses these attributes.

[OS requirement]
DOS version : MS-DOS / PC-DOS Generic(preferrably 3.x or later)
OS/2 version : OS/2 Warp or later
Windows version : Windows3.1+Win32s(1.15 or later), Windows95 or later, WindowsNT
DOS and OS/2 versions are CUI utility. The following is th euage of these two versions. Windows version is GUI application. Functions are the same.

  * Command Line
      asf.exe [option] keyword filename(s)[Enter]
      Sample Batch Files are included in this archive. 
  * Format of text files
    . PRT++
        \i : Italics
        \f : Bold
        \t : Superscript
        \s : Subscript
        \u : Underline
    . HTML
        <I> : Italics
        <B> : Bold
        <U> : Undrline
        <S> : Strike
        <SUP> : Superscript
        <SUB> : Subscript
    . Text
       between  _ and _ : Italics
    . Format to be going to be supported
  * Options
    . Format of input text
      -fh : HTML
      -fp : PRT++[DEFAULT]
      -ft : Text
      -fr : RTF(Not implemented)
      -fl : LaTeX(Not implemented)
    . Format of output
      -n : Linenumber
      -t : Filename
    . Mode
      -ms : [Strict]All attributes should match if multiple attributes are 
      -m  : [Default]At least one attribute should match
      -mi : Ignore Case
    . Word Search
      -w : 
             -w   : Recognize as a word
             -w0  : Recognize as a word
             -w1  : Recognize as a head of a word
             -w2  : Recognize as a tail of a word
    . Attributes of keyword
      -b : [BOLD]
      -i : [ITALICS]
      -s : [STRIKE]
      -u : [UNDERLINE]
      -sp : [SUPERSCRIPT]
      -sb : [SUBSCRIPT]

* Others
. One line should be shorter than 1024 bytes.
. This tool doesn't use system date, so this is free from Y2K problems.
. Output string doesn't include attributes.

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